Friday, July 26, 2019

My Latest Fake Album Has Dropped!

I haven't done this since 2007; and I felt like having some fun tonight. This is an old game that allows one to create their own album. Since my real band is in a dormant period, why not?

I've had to update the links a bit, due to a couple of the former sites dissolving into the ether.

Here are the rules:

The first article title on the page is the name of your band.

The last four words of the first quote is the title of your album.

The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

If you want to get fancy and add track listings, go here:


Tonight my band is called, naturally, Mexico Fed Cup Team, and we've titled our album, "Computer Is A Moron".

One might think our cover art is a bit incongruous, but trust me, we have our reasons:

 Tracks on our album:

1.  Scrumptious Asteroids
2.  The Tall Movie
3.  She Dances Above Wine
4.  They Cleans He
5.  Female Beyond the Painting
6.  The History Come Back
7.  Shining Victor
8.  Speak Players
9.  Incredulous Development
10. Put

Funny story about track #10. The band was sitting around wondering what we should put as the last song, and that's how we came up with "Put". Don't dismiss it ~ it's probably the most profound track on the album. 

My personal favorite is "They Cleans He". I wrote that one and I think it says it all. I was inspired by some of John Lennon's more offbeat songs. 

Naturally we had to lead off the album with "Scrumptious Asteroids". It has such an ethereal vibe and really sets the tone for the tracks that follow.

You can, of course, sample our album on Spotify, but I will point out that "Shining Victor" has a bit of a hidden meaning. Our bass player's name is Victor and he's a bit of an exhibitionist. Everyone in our audience naturally gravitates toward Vic because he's just, well, shiny ~ with his floor-length lemon cloaks and feathered boas. The rest of us have taken to calling him Shining Victor. This song is our tribute to the baddest bass player this side of the Appalachians.

So, give us a try. You'll be "Dancing Above Wine"!



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