I've written before about the endless stream of emails I receive, touting the latest music opportunities.
I always click on them....eventually....out of curiosity more than anything else.
For example, the latest Music Dealer's "opportunity" is a song about Grandma. I think grandmas are great, although I barely remember one, and I never knew the other. Hence, I have written no songs about Grandma. I've written a song about
Mom, but that isn't what they're going for here. It does make me wonder, though, about the grandma I never met. I wonder if she was more like me than my mom was, because Mom and I weren't exactly simpatico, if you get my drift.
But, as always with these posts, I do digress.
Generally, with the Music Xray emails, I just delete them without reading. Because they're always touting the most recent "opportunity matches" that don't really match in the least, and I don't have the money to toss around like some wild-eyed millionaire anyway.
Not to mention the scathing reviews I received from some of my earlier submissions. I never even
asked for critiques! What was that? Just an extra-added soul-crushing bonus?
One guy said something (I actually deleted the email, so I can't reference it) about how tentative the singing was. Well, yea! I hate (hate!) recording! In fact, I'll make up any old excuse just to avoid it. I'm tired; I have a tummy ache; my voice is shot from all the smoking (which is true, by the way). I AM NOT A SINGER. But the fact remains that I have no money to hire a professional singer, so if I want a demo recording of any of my songs, I have to do it myself.
But for some reason, tonight, I clicked on the latest Music Xray email, and it said something about submissions for radio stations, or something. And I thought, well, let's see.
So, I surfed on over to the site, and I found a particular outfit that shops music around to various regions of the US (because apparently different regions have different tastes; little did I know) and to radio stations in the UK. The UK thing was somewhat intriguing, because I find that those fine people are more discerning than the dolts that market and/or listen to music here in the good old USA. No offense to the US, but here, it's all about the cheese quotient, and about the butterflies and rainbows and unicorns; not the actual music (ahh, cynicism is alive and well tonight!)
So, I thought, what the heck? Why not give it a go? I could put it on my credit card, so that's not like real money. Is it?
I'm a big fan of this song by my husband, so I bit the bullet and clicked the submission button.
Then, I thought, well, let's see what else is out there, radio submission-wise. And I found this place called, "Women of Substance Radio". Isn't that precious? Women of substance. As opposed to what? Women of Superficiality?
But I figured, hey, I'm a woman. So, I, in a fit of insanity, submitted this:
I'm really pulling for my husband's song, though.
And I, too, looked at song critique opportunities. I almost thought about doing it, but then I saw the submission price ($35.00) and thought,
why in the world would I pay $35.00 for somebody to diss me, when some of these other guys took it upon themselves to do it
for free?
I'm a realist, and yet not a masochist. My focus now, really, is promoting the other band guys' music; not mine. Yet, there's still that little self-indulgent side of me that wants somebody to say, "That's a good song! Terrible singer, but good song!"
Just don't feel compelled to send me a critique, cuz I really don't want one, and I'll just send it to my "trash" folder anyway.